
Lesson 8 Modal Verbs (1)

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Lesson 8
Modal verbs
Modal verb is a type of auxiliary verbs that is used to express: ability, possibility, permission or obligation.
The modals in English are;
· Can/could/be able to.
· May/might
· Shall/should
· Must/have to/ought to
· Will/would
· Can/could, may/might – express possibility and permission.
“Can” is used to say that something is possible.
Example: cooking can be a real pleasure
· You can read my book
You use “cannot” or “can’t” to say that something is not possible
Example: this cannot be the answer
· You can’t be serious.
· Can and could is also used to express ability and permission.
Example: he can dance kizomba really well.
· He can speak French and English
Example: students you can go home now
· You can take my pen
· Could/might and may are used to indicate that you are not certain (sure) whether something is possible but you think is it 
Example: that could be the reason he is angry.
· He might come today
· They may help us with the cleanup
· Must/ought to/should and will express possibility and certainty
“Should or ought to” are used to say that something is probably true or will happen.
Example: we should arrive home at 8:00 PM
“Must” is used to say that something is true and you are sure
Example: you must be Amina’s husband.
“will” is used to say that something is certain to happen in the future.
Example: next year I will have 35 years.
· I’ll come tomorrow
1. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of can/could.
Example: can I call you tonight?
I. ___________ Tony run long distances?
II. ___________ you please call a taxi for me.
III. Students you ___________ go home now.
2. Fill the gaps with should/shouldn’t.
Example: he shouldn’t encourage such a bad behavior.
I. You _____________ brush your teeth.
II. You _____________ put your feet on the table
III. The government _________________ help poor people.