
Lingua Inglesa 3 - Gabarito

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Prévia do material em texto

Prof.ª Estela Maris Bogo Lorenzi
UNI AUTOATIVIDADE: Read the poem The Circle of Life, by Taos Pueblo 
Native, 1974:
I have killed the deer, 
I have crushed the grasshopper 
and the plants he feeds upon, 
I have cut through the heart 
of trees growing old and straight. 
I have taken fish from the water 
And birds from the sky. 
In my life I have needed death 
So that my life can be. 
When I die, I must give life 
To what has nourished me. 
The Earth receives my body 
and gives it to the caterpillars, 
to the birds and to the coyotes. 
Each in its own time 
so that the circle of Life is never broken. 
FONTE: Disponível em: <https://cultant.weebly.com/poems.html>. Acesso em: 5 out. 2017.
1 Agora, relacione as colunas formando frases de acordo com o poema:
1. He has taken…
2. He has cut through…
3. He has killed...
4. He has crushed…
5. He has needed…
( ) animals like the deer.
( ) the death of other living things.
( ) first from water and birds from the sky.
( ) the heart of trees.
( ) insects and plants.
1. He has taken first from water and birds from the sky.
2. He has cut through the heart of trees.
3. He has killed animals like the deer.
4. He has crushed insects and plants.
5. He has needed the death of other living things.
UNI AUTOATIVIDADE: Which of the following sentences is NOT written 
in the structure of the present perfect continuous?
a) ( ) I have been working much lately.
b) ( ) I've been studying French since 10 o'clock.
c) ( ) Have you been looking for a new job?
d) ( ) It's been raining all day.
e)	 (x)	She	has	studied	English	for	five	years.
1 Read the situations and complete the sentences:
a) The train started two hours ago. It’s still raining now. It _________________ 
for two hours.
b) We started waiting for the bus 20 minutes ago. We’re still waiting now. We 
_________________ for 20 minutes.
c) I started Spanish classes in December. I’m still learning Spanish now. I 
___________________ since December. 
d) Ann began looking for a job six months ago. She’s still looking now. 
____________________ for six months.
e) Mary started working in London on 18 January. She’s still working there 
now. ____________________ since 18th January.
f) Years ago you started writing to a penfriend. You still write to each other 
regularly now. We __________________________ for years.
a) has been raining/ ‘s been raining
b) have been waiting/ ‘ve been waiting
c) have been learning Spanish/ ’ve been learning Spanish
d) She has been looking for a job/ She’s been looking…/ Ann has been looking
e) She’s been working/ Mary has been working
f) have been writing to each other/ ‘ve been writing
UNI AUTOATIVIDADE: Now, let’s read a dialogue about Climate:
Vicky is talking to Guga about different cities in Florida. What does she like 
about Orlando?
Guga: What's the weather like in St. Augustine now? 
Vicky: It's hot because it's summer there now. 
Guga: And it's winter here. It's very cold today. 
Vicky: Yes, it is. I think the temprature is 12 degrees. 
Guga: What's the weather like in St. Augustine in winter? 
Vicky: It's not very cold, but it's colder than here. 
Guga: Does it snow in Florida?
Vicky: No, it doesn’t. It never snows there, but it rains a lot in the summer. 
Guga: Is St. Augustine close to Miami? 
Vicky: More or less. It's closer to Orlando than to Miami. 
Guga: I would like to visit Miami one day. 
Vicky: Miami is nice, but Orlando is more interesting. 
Guga: Why? 
Vicky: Because you can go to Disney World and lots of other great places. 
Guga: Disney World? Wow! 
Vicky: It's a great place. We can go together.
1		Write	T	(true)	or	F	(false)	and	try	to	correct	the	false	ones: 
a) (F) It snows in Orlando. 
b) (F) St. Augustine is hotter than Miami. 
c) (T) Vicky thinks Orlando is more interesting than Miami. 
d) (F) The temperature in Orlando is thirteen degrees. 
e) (T) Today is colder in St. Augustine, than in Miami.
FONTE: Adaptado de: <http://pessoal.educacional.com.br/up/59870001/8262777/ING_
U4.pdf>. Acesso em: 19 nov. 2017.
UNI AUTOATIVIDADE: Now read the text about seasons and answer the 
Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the four seasons. It is spring now. 
March, April and May are spring months. In spring it is warn. The weather is 
fine. You can see flowers in the fields.
It is summer. June, July and August are summer months.
In summer it is hot. The weather is fine. The days are long and the nights are 
short. The fields and the trees are green.
It is autumn. September, October and November are autumn months.
In autumn it is cool. The weather is bad.
The trees are yellow and red. You can see apples in the trees.
It is winter. December, January and February are winter months.
It is cold in winter. The weather is cold. The days are short and the nights 
are long.
The streets, the trees and the fields are white with snow.
FONTE: Disponível em: <http://e-lib.gasu.ru/eposobia/titova/R_3_8.html>. Acesso em: 19 nov. 
a) How many seasons has a year?
b) What are they?
c) Which are the summer months?
d) Is it cold in summer?
e) What is the weather like in summer?
f) Are March, April and May winter months?
g) Which are the winter months?
h) Is it cold in winter?
i) Can you see snow in winter?
j) What is the weather like in winter?
k) What color are the fields in winter?
l) Is it cool or warm in autumn?
m) What color are the trees in autumn?
n) When can you see apples in the trees, in spring or in autumn?
o) What can you see in the fields in spring?
FONTE: Adaptado de: <http://e-lib.gasu.ru/eposobia/titova/R_3_8.html>. Acesso em: 19 nov. 
a) How many seasons has a year? four
b) What are they? Spring, summer, autumn and winter
c) Which are the summer months? June, July and August
d) Is it cold in summer? No it isn’t.
e) What is the weather like in summer? The weather is fine.
f) Are March, April and May winter months? No, they aren’t
g) Which are the winter months? December, January and February
h) Is it cold in winter? Yes, it is.
i) Can you see snow in winter? Yes, you can
j) What is the weather like in winter? The weather is cold.
k) What color are the fields in winter? The fields are white with snow
l) Is it cool or warm in autumn? In autumn it is cool.
m) What color are the trees in autumn? The trees are yellow and red.
n) When can you see apples in the trees, in spring or in autumn? In autumn
o) What can you see in the fields in spring? You can see flowers in the fields.
1 Use the present perfect to the present perfect continuous:
a) Where have you been? ____________________________ (you/play) 
b) Look! Somebody ___________________________ (break) that window.
c) You look tired. ____________________________(you/work) hard?
d) ‘_______________________ (you/ ever/ work) in a factory?’ ‘No, never.’
e) ‘Jane is away on holiday’. ‘Oh, is she? Where _____________________ 
(she/ go)?’
f) My brother is an actor. He ____________________ (appear) in several films.
g) ‘Sorry I’m late.’ ‘That’s all right. I ______________________(not/ wait) long.’
h) ‘Is it still raining?’ ‘No, it _________________________ (stop).’
i) I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( l o s e ) m y a d d r e s s b o o k . 
______________________ (you/ see) it anywhere?
j) I _______________________ (read) the book you lent me but I 
(not/ finish) it yet.
k) I ________________________ (read) the book you let me, so you can have 
it back now.
FONTE: MURPHY, Raymond. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press, USA, 
1994. Second edition. 
a) Have you been playing
b) has broken
c) have you been working
d) have you ever workede) has she gone
f) has appeared/ ’s appeared 
g) haven’t been waiting
h) has stopped/ ‘s stopped
i) have lost/ ‘ve lost… Have you seen
j) have been reading/ ‘ve been reading… haven’t fi nished
k) have read/ ‘ve read
2		 Agora,	vamos	exercitar	nossa	aprendizagem	resolvendo	uma	questão	
do ENADE/2014, de número 28, aplicada aos acadêmicos do curso 
de	Letras	Português/Inglês.
Professores	da	educação	básica	 têm	a	possibilidade	de	pesquisar	e	
aplicar materiais como o apresentado para:
a) ( ) Incentivar a redução do uso de celular pelos alunos.
b) ( ) Facilitar o aprendizado do uso de extintores.
c) ( ) Oferecer informações da vida cotidiana em redes sociais.
d) ( ) Demonstrar que alguns cartazes incitam o uso de celulares em lugares 
e)	 (x)	Abordar	contextos	que	envolvem	o	uso	de	tecnologia,	cada	vez	
mais	comum.
FONTE: Disponível em: <http://download.inep.gov.br/educacao_superior/enade/provas/2014/32_
letras_portugues_ingles.pdf>. Acesso em: 10 dez. 2017.
A)	Read	the	situations	and	write	sentences	from	the	words	in	brackets.
1) You went to Beth’s house but she wasn’t there. (she/ go/ out). 
2) You went back to your home town after many years. It wasn’t the same as 
before. (it/ change/ a lot) ______________________________________
3) I invited Judy to the party but she couldn’t come. (she/ arrange/ to do 
something else) ____________________________________________
4) You went to the cinema last night. You arrived at the cinema late. (the film/ 
already/ begin) ______________________________________________
5) I was very pleased to see Tim again after such a long time. (I/ not/ see/ 
him for five years) ___________________________________________
6) I offered Sue something to eat but she wasn’t hungry. (she/ just/ have/ 
breakfast) _________________________________________________
FONTE: Disponível em: <http://computer-howto-2010 english.blogspot.com.br/2009/03/15-
past-perfect-i-had-done.html>. Acesso em: 26 nov. 2017.
A) 1) She had gone out.
2) It had changed a lot.
3) It had arranged to do something else/ She’d arranged…
4) The film had already begun.
5) I hadn’t seen him for five years.
6) She had just had breakfast. / She’d just had…
A)	Put	the	verb	into	the	most	suitable	form,	past	continuous	(I	was	doing),	
past	perfect	(I	had	done)	or	past	perfect	continuous	(I	had	been	doing).
1) It was very noisy next door. Our neighbours _______________________ 
(have) a party.
2) We were good friends. We__________________ (know) each other for a 
long time.
3) John and I went for a walk. I had difficulty keeping up with him because he 
___________________ (walk) so fast.
4) Mary was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. She ______ (run).
5) When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table with their mounths 
full. They __________________________ (eat).
6) When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table and talking. Their 
mounths were empty but their stomachs were full. They _________________ 
7) Jim was on his hands and knees on thr floor. He __________________ 
(look) for his contact lens.
8) When I arrived, Kate_______________________ (wait) for me. She was 
rather annoyed with me because I was late and she _____________ (wait) 
for a very long time.
9) I was sad when I sold my car. I __________________ (have) it for a very 
long time.
10) We were extremely tired at the end of thr journey. We __________ (travel) 
for more than 24 hours.
FONTE: Murphy (1994, p. 33)
A) 1) were having
2) had kown
3) was walking
4) had/ ’d been running
5) were eating
6) had been eating (had eaten i salso possible)
7) was looking
8) was waiting... had been waiting / ‘d been waiting
9) had had / ‘d had
10) had / ‘d been travelling 
1 Complete the sentences with the past perfect or past perfect 
continuous	correct	form	of	the	verbs	in	brackets.	Use	contractions	
where	possible.
a) Peter was Sally's best friend. She ______ (know) him all her life.
b) The children were wet because they _____ (play) football in the rain.
c) We were very hungry because we _____ (not / eat).
d) I was delighted when I found my Keys. I ______ (look) for them for hours.
e) She was exhausted because she _____ (work) since eight o'clock that 
f) Everything was white because it ______ (snow).
g) The passengers were cross because the airline _____ (lose) everyone's 
h) I _____ (not / see) Jacob for several years, but I recognised him immediately.
FONTE: Disponível em: <https://elt.oup.com/student/solutions/upperint/grammar/grammar_02_
022e?cc=global&selLanguage=en>. Acesso em: 10 dez. 2017. 
Complete the sentences with the past perfect or past perfect continuous correct 
form of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where possible.
a) 'd known
b) 'd been playing
c) hadn't eaten
d) 'd been looking
e) 'd been working
f) 'd been snowing
g) had lost
h) hadn't seen
2		 Agora,	vamos	exercitar	nossa	aprendizagem	resolvendo	uma	questão	
do ENADE/2017, de número 22, aplicada aos acadêmicos do curso 
de	Letras	Português/Inglês.
FONTE: Disponível em: <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1052279/Children-allowed-
use-mobiles-class-help-learn-study-says.html>. Acesso em: 2 dez. 2017.
No	que	se	refere	ao	uso	do	celular	em	sala	de	aula,	o	objetivo	do	texto	é:
a)	 (x)	Alertar	para	 a	disparidade	entre	 a	 expectativa	do	professor	 e	
a	 predisposição	 dos	 alunos	 quanto	 ao	 uso	 do	 celular	 com	fins	
b) ( ) Demonstrar que o uso do celular nas aulas de inglês prejudica o 
processo de ensino e aprendizagem da língua.
c) ( ) Defender que professores usem o celular para gravar as aulas de 
língua inglesa.
d) ( ) Informar que o uso da internet no celular é proibido em ambientes 
e) ( ) Incentivar o uso do celular para jogos eletrônicos em sala de aula.
FONTE: Disponível em: <http://download.inep.gov.br/educacao_superior/enade/provas/2017/30_
LET_POR_BACHAREL_BAIXA.pdf>. Acesso em: 10 dez. 2017.
1		 Classifique	em:	FP	para	 future	perfect	 e	 FPC	para	 future	perfect	
a) (FP) She will	not	have	finished the job by April. 
b) (FPC)	They	will	have	been	waiting here for three hours by six o'clock.
c) (FP) Will he have	studied	all the subjects by tomorrow?
d) (FPC) You won't have been eating.
e) (FPC) When I come at 6:00, will	you	have	been	practicing long?
f) (FP) When Dad arrives, I'll	not	have	washed	the dishes yet.
Escolha	a	opção	que	melhor	traduz	os	termos	sublinhados: 
1. Don't blow your nose here.
a) Boca
b)	Nariz
c) Unha
2. Do you have a big mouth?
a) Boca
b) Nariz
c) Garganta
3. He has a stiff neck.
a) Pescoço
b) Cabelo
c) Mão
4. I hit my elbow and it hurt a lot.
a) Braço
b) Dedo
c)	Cotovelo
5. He can't play because his knee is injured.
a) Joelho
b) Perna
c) Pé
6. Don't touch his arm.
a) Mão
b) Testa
c) Braço
7. I cut my finger the other day.
a) Pé
b) Olho
c) Dedo
8. Give me your hand.
a)	Mão
b) Cabeça
c) Perna
FONTE: Disponível em: <https://www.englishexperts.com.br/forum/exercicio-nomes-das-partes-
do-corpo-humano-em-ingles-t20514.html>. Acesso em: 3 jan. 2018.
Escreva,	 em	 inglês,	 a	 explicação	 de	 cada	 parte	 interna	 do	 corpo	
solicitada.	Você	pode	utilizar	suas	próprias	palavras.	Observe	o	exemplo:
a) KIDNEY - a pair of organs in the abdominal cavity of mammals, birds, and 
reptiles, excreting urine.
b) LIVER - ___________________________________________________
c) STOMACH - ________________________________________________
d) HEART - _____________________________________________________________________________
As respostas podem variar, aqui estão algumas sugestões:
b) LIVER – a large lobed glandular organ in the abdomen of vertebrates.
c) STOMACH – the internal organ in which the major part of the digestion of 
food occurs.
d) HEART – a hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the 
circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation.
1		 Put	the	verbs	in	brackets	into	the	gaps.	Form	a	conditional	sentence	
–	type	I.	Only	use	the	will-future	in	the	main	clauses.
Example: If I __ (to go) to the cinema, I ________ (to watch) an interesting film.
Answer: If I go to the cinema, I will watch an interesting film.
a) If I _____________________ (to study), I _________________ (to pass) 
the exams.
b) If the sun _____________ (to shine), we _____________ (to walk) to the 
c) If he _____________ (to have) a temperature, he ____________ (to see) 
the doctor.
d) If my friends _____________ (to come), I _____________ (to be) very 
e) If she _____________ (to earn) a lot of money, she __________ (to fly) 
to New York.
f) If we _____________ (to travel) to London, we ___________ (to visit) the 
g) If you ______ (to wear) sandals in the mountains, you _______ (to slip)
on the rocks.
h) If Rita _______ (to forget) her homework, the teacher _____ (to give)her 
a low mark.
i) If they _____________ (to go) to the disco, they _________ (to listen) to 
loud music.
j) If you _____________ (to wait) a minute, I _____________ (to ask) my 
2		 Put	the	verbs	in	brackets	into	the	gaps.	Form	a	conditional	sentence	
–	type	II.
Example: If I __ (to go) to the cinema, I ________ (to watch) an interesting film.
Answer: If I went to the cinema, I would watch an interesting film.
a) If I _____________ (to come) home earlier, I __________ (to prepare) 
b) If we _____________ (to live) in Rome, Francesco _____________ (to 
visit) us.
c) If Tim and Tom _______ (to be) older, they _________ (to play) in our 
hockey team.
d) If Susan _____________ (to study) harder, she _________ (to be) better 
at school.
e) If they _____________ (to have) enough money, they ________ (to buy) 
a new car.
f) If you __________ (to do) a paper round, you _______ (to earn) a little 
extra money.
g) If Michael _______ (to get) more pocket money, he ____ (to ask) Doris 
out for dinner.
h) If we _____________ (to hurry), we _____________ (to catch) the bus.
i) If it _____________ (to rain), Nina _____________ (to take) an umbrella 
with her.
3		 Put	the	verbs	in	brackets	into	the	gaps.	Form	a	conditional	sentence	
–	type	III.
Example: If I _______ (to go) to the cinema, I ________ (to watch) an 
interesting film.
Answer: If I had gone to the cinema, I would	have	watched an interesting film.
a) If the weather _____________ (to be) nice, they _____________ (to play) 
b) If we ___________ (to go) to a good restaurant, we _____ (to have) a 
better dinner.
c) If John _____________ (to learn) more words, he _______ (to write) a 
good report.
d) If the boys _________ (to take) the bus to school, they ________ (to arrive) 
on time.
e) If the teacher ___________ (to explain) the homework, I _____________ 
(to do) it.
f) If they _______ (to wait) for another 10 minutes, they _______ (to see) the 
pop star.
g) If the police _____________ (to come) earlier, they ________ (to arrest) 
the burglar.
h) If you _______ (to buy) fresh green vegetable, your salad _______ (to 
taste) better.
i) If Alex _____________ (to ask) me, I _____________ (to email) the 
j) If he _____________ (to speak) more slowy, Peggy ________ (to 
understand) him.
FONTE: Disponível em: <https://alineprofessora.wordpress.com/2012/03/11/exercicios-
conditional-sentences/>. Acesso em: 3 jan. 2018.
1. Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional sentence – type I. 
a) If I study, I will pass the exams.
b) If the sun shines, we will walk to the town.
c) If he has a temperature, he will see the doctor.
d) If my friends come, I will be very happy.
e) If she earns a lot of money, she will fly to New York.
f) If we travel to London, we will visit the museums.
g) If you wear sandals in the mountains, you will slip on the rocks.
h) If Rita forgets her homework, the teacher will give her a low mark.
i) If they go to the disco, they will listen to loud music.
j) If you wait a minute, I will ask my parents.
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional sentence – 
type II.
a) If I came home earlier, I would prepare dinner.
b) If we lived in Rome, Francesco would visit us.
c) If Tim and Tom were older, they would play in our hockey team.
d) If Susan studied harder, she would be better at school.
e) If they had enough money, they would buy a new car.
f) If you did a paper round, you would earn a little extra money.
g) If Michael got more pocket money, he would ask Doris out for dinner.
h) If we hurried, we would catch the bus.
i) If it rained, Nina would take an umbrella with her.
3. Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional sentence – 
type III.
a) If the weather had been nice, they would have played football.
b) If we had gone to a good restaurant, we would have had a better dinner.
c) If John had learned more words, he would have written a good report.
d) If the boys had taken the bus to school, they would have arrived on time.
e) If the teacher had explained the homework, I would have done it.
f) If they had waited for another 10 minutes, they would have seen the pop star.
g) If the police had come earlier, they would have arrested the burglar.
h) If you had bought fresh green vegetable, your salad would have tasted 
i) If Alex had asked me, I would have emailed the documents.
j) If he had spoken more slowy, Peggy would have understood him.
1		 Complete	 the	 sentence	with	 the	 verb	 in	parentheses	 (true	 in	 the	
present or future):
a) If I have enough apples, I (bake) _________________ an apple pie this 
R.: will bake
2		 Complete	the	sentence	with	the	verb	in	parentheses	(untrue	–	contrary	
to fact – in the past):
a) If I (have) ________________ my camera with me yesterday, I (take) 
__________________________ a picture of Alex standing on his head.
b) I don’t have a pen, but if I (an auxiliary verb) _______________, I would 
lend it to you.
c) He is busy right now, but if he (an auxiliary verb) _________________, he 
would help us.
d) I didn’t vote in the last election, but if I (an auxiliary verb) _________________, 
I would have voted for Senator Anderson.
a) had had/ would have taken
b) did
c) weren’t
d) had
3 Change the following statements into conditional sentences:
a) (using progressive verb forms) It is snowing, so I won’t go with you. But…
R.: If it weren’t snowing, I would go with you.
b) (using mixed time in conditional sentences) I’m hungry now because I didn’t 
eat dinner, But…____________________________________
R.: If I’d eaten dinner, I wouldn’t be hungry now.
4		 Give	 a	 sentence	with	 the	 same	meaning	by	omitting	 IF	 from	 the	
conditional sentence:
a) The other team commited a foul, but the referee didn’t see it. If the referee 
had seen it, our team would have won the game. ___________________
R.: Had the referee seen it, our team would have won the game.
5		 Give	sentences	with	the	same	meaning	by	using	“if	clauses”	(implied	
a) I would have visited you, but I didn’t know that you were at home. _______
R.: I would have visited you if I had known you were at home.
b) It wouldn’t have been a good meeting without Rosa. ________________
R.: It wouldn’t have been a good meeting if Rosa hadn’t been there.
1 Read the situations and write questions beginning with CAN:
a) You phone Ann but somebody else answers. Ann isn’tthere. You want to 
leave a message for her. You say: ______________________________
b) You are a tourist. You want to go to the station but you don’t know where 
it is. You ask at your hotel. You say: _____________________________
c) You are in a clothes shop. You see some trousers you like and you want 
to try them on. You say to the shop assistant: _____________________
d) You have a car. You have to go to the same place as John, who hasn’t got a 
car. You want to give him a lift. You say to John: ________________________
a) Can I leave a message? Can you give her a message? 
b) Can you tell me how to get to the station?
c) Can I try on these trousers?
d) Can I give you a lift?
1	 Read	the	situations	and	write	questions	beginning	Do	you	think…	
a) You want to borrow your friend’s camera. What do you say? Do you 
b) You are at a friend’s house and you want to use her phone. What do you 
say? __________________________________________________
c) You’ve written a letter in English. Before you send it, you want an English 
friend to check it. What do you ask him?__________________________
d) You want to leave work early because you have some things to do. What 
do you ask your boss ?_______________________________________
e) The woman in the next room is playing music. It’s very loud. You want her 
to turn it down. What do you say to her?__________________________
f) You are phoning the owner of a flat which was advertised in a newspaper. 
You are interested in the flat and you want to come and see it today. What 
do you say to the owner?__________________________________
a) Do you think I could borrow your camera?
b) Do you think I could use your phone? 
c) Do you think you could check this letter (for me)?
d) Do you think I could leave work early?
e) Do you think you could turn the music down? Or turn it down?
f) Do you think I could come and see the flat?
1 For each situation write a sentence with should or shouldn’t + one of 
the following:
Go away for a few days – go to bed so late – look for another job – put some 
pictures on the walls – take a photograph – use her car so much.
a) (Liz needs a change.) She ____________________________________
b) (My salary is very low.) You ___________________________________
c) (Jack always has difficult getting up.) He __________________________
d) (What a beautiful view!) You ___________________________________
e) (Sue drives everywhere. She never walks.) She ___________________
f) (Bill’s room isn’t very interesting.) _______________________________
FONTE: Murphy (1994, p. 67)
a) She should go away for a few days.
b) You should look for another job.
c) He shouldn’t go to bed so late.
d) You should take a photograph.
e) She shouldn’t use her car so much.
f) He should put some pictures on the walls.
1	 Put	HAD	BETTER	or	SHOULD.	Sometimes	either	is	possible.
a) I have an appointment in ten minutes. I ______________ go naw or I’ll be 
b) It’s a great film. You ________________ go and see it. You’ll really like it.
c) I __________________ get up early tomorrow. I’ve got a lot to do.
d) When people are driving, they __________________ keep their eyes on 
the road.
e) Thank you for coming to see us. You _____________ come more often.
f) She’ll be upset if we don’t invite her to the wedding, so we ____________ 
invite her.
g) These biscuits are delicious. You _________________ try one.
h) I think everybody ________________ learn a foreign language. 
a) ‘d better
b) should
c) had better/ should
d) should
e) should
f) had better
g) should
h) should
1		 Read	the	text	and	answer	the	questions.	Observe	the	use	of	modal	
Xavier is an intelligent guy and he plans to go to medical school. He thinks 
he may get a better job when he graduates. At the moment, Xavier is working at 
a supermarket and he can't pay for his studies or buy books, so he should try 
to get into a public college. Xavier is the oldest child and he feels he must do 
something to help his younger brothers and sisters as he already noticed 
they will need his support. Xavier is brave, determined and doesn't complain 
about life because he knows that things could be worse than they are now.
a) What does Xavier plan to do? __________________________________
b) Why does he want to graduate? ________________________________
c) Is Xavier a bad guy? _________________________________________
d) Why doesn't Xavier complain about life? __________________________
FONTE: Disponível em: <https://www.englishexperts.com.br/forum/exercicio-texto-em-ingles-
com-os-verbos-modais-t28875.html>. Acesso em: 18 jan. 2018.
a) He plans to go to medical school.
b) He thinks he may get a better job.
c) No, he isn't. He is a nice guy.
d) Because he knows that things could be worse than they are now.
2		 Marque	a	alternativa	cuja	frase	não	apresenta	um	Modal	Verb.
a) ( ) May she ask you a question?
b)		(x)	She	had	gone	to	China.
c) ( ) I must obbey the Law.
3		 A	frase	“You	mustn’t	take	medicine”	quer	dizer: 
a) ( ) Uma ordem 
b) ( ) Uma obrigação 
c)		(x)	Uma	proibição	
d) ( ) Uma advertência
4 Complete as frases com o modal adequado: 
A) “We______________go to the club. It depends on the weather”.
a) must 
b) mustn’t 
c) might 
d) can
B) “________you play the keyboard?” 
a) may 
b) can 
c) would 
d) should
5 Marque T (true) ou F (false):
(T) Os modais não necessitam de auxiliares nas formas negativa e interrogativa.
(T) Os modais são invariáveis.
(F) Os modais não são considerados verbos auxiliares.
(F) Quando se indica uma habilidade no passado, utilizamos CAN.
(F) O verbo SHOULD é usado para indicar uma proibição.
6		 Escreva	as	frases	nas	formas	negativa	e	interrogativa.
a) Doris can speak French. ______________________________________
b) She might know the answer. ____________________________________
c) They could work together. ______________________________________
d) I should have lunch with him. ____________________________________
e) It may rain. __________________________________________________
FONTE: Adaptado de <http://teacher-reginamaciel.blogspot.com.br/2013/05/atividades-modal-
verbs-8-ano-a_7.html>. Acesso em: 18 jan. 2018.
a) Doris can speak French.
Doris can not speak French.
Can doris speak French?
b) She might know the answer.
She might not know the answer.
Might she know the answer?
c) They could work together.
They couldn't work together.
Could they work together?
d) I should have lunch with him.
I shoudn't have lunch with him.
Should i have lunch with him?
e) It may rain.
It may not rain.
May it rain?
7		 Rewrite	the	sentences.	Use	to	be	able	to	in	the	correct	form.
a) He can swim. _______________________________________________
b) He could read that letter yesterday. ______________________________
c) He can finish this job today. ___________________________________
d) They can fix the car next year. __________________________________
e) She could not drive the car last night. _____________________________
a) He will be able to swim tomorrow.
b) He was able to read that letter yesterday.
c) He is able to finish this job today.
d) They will be able to fix tha car next year.
e) She was not able to drive the car last night.
8		 Escolha	a	opção	que	melhor	preenche	os	espaços	em	branco	de	
acordo com as regras de uso de "used to".
1. I'm used to...alone. Don't worry.
a) Live
b) Liveing
c)	Living
2. He used to...his parents every week.
a) Calling
b) Call
c) Calls
3. We're not used to...like that. You must do something.
a) Lose
b) Losing
c) Loseing
4. Are you used to...with people that way?
a) Deal
b) Dealing
c) Dealt
5. They used to...late for work.a) Show up
b) Showing up
c) Showed up
6. I used to...to work on foot.
a) Going
b) Go
c) Went
9		 Leia	as	regras	do	CAN	e	CAN’T	novamente	e	complete	as	frases	que	
a) Jenny _____ sing but she _____ play music.
b) She _____ dance but she _____ act.
c) Peter ____ sing but he _____ play music.
d) He ____ act but he _____ dance.
e) Brian and Zoe _____ sing and they _____ play music.
f) They _____ dance but they _____ act.
g) Adam ____ act and he _____ sing.
h) He _____ play music but he _____ dance.
FONTE: Disponível em: <https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/3771940>. Acesso em: 19 jan. 2018.
a) can, can’t
b) can, can’t
c) can’t, can
d) can, can’t
e) can, can
f) can, can’t
g) can’t, can’t
h) can’t, can
1	 Supply	the	correct	interrogative:
a) _______________ did you see? I saw Mary.
b) _______________ is she tired? Because she has worked a lot.
c) _______________ are they leaving? Tomorrow morning.
d) _______________ coat is this? It’s mine.
e) _______________ did you go? To the movies.
f) _______________ color do you prefer: red or green? Green.
g) _______________ wants to go with him? I do.
h) _______________ is he like? He is tall and thin.
i) _______________does she study? In the morning.
j) _______________ are they doing? They’re sleeping.
a) who
b) why
c) when
d) whose
e) where
f) which
g) who
h) what
i) when
j) what
2	 Fill	in	the	blank	of	each	question	with	the	correct	‘wh-’	question	word	
(when,	where,	why,	who,	whose,	what	and	which).	Then	from	the	13	
sentences	(A-M)	below,	choose	the	most	appropriate	answer	to	each	
question	and	write	the	letter	in	the	space	provided.
Question Answer
1.The wall is damaged. ______ did it? ______
2.These two dictionaries are very useful. ______ one should I buy? ______
3.______ did you do during the summer holiday? ______
4.______ is that class so noisy? ______
5.______ did the class start? I didn’t realize I was late. ______
6.Excuse me, ______ is the staff room? I want to speak to Miss Chu. ______
7.______ test paper is it? There’s no name on it. ______
8.______ locker is yours? There’re three beside the window. ______
9.______ is Miss Cheung so happy today? ______
10.______ is your favourite teacher? ______
11.______ do you want to go when you leave school? ______
12.______ do you want to go for the school picnic? ______
13.______ will the graduation ceremony held? ______
A. I want to become a musician.
B. They are celebrating their form teacher’s birthday.
C. Miss Cheung. I think she’s very patient and understanding.
D. It will be held on 7th July.
E. The one with the Hello Kitty stickers is mine.
F. It usually starts at 10 a.m. but it started at 9:30a.m. today.
G. The smaller one is better because you can bring it to school every day.
H. Let’s go to Ngong Ping Village this time.
I. It must be Frank’s. We’ve got ours already.
J. I don’t know. t might have been one of the students from 5C.
K. It’s on the 4th floor, at the end of the corridor.
L. I joined a study tour to Australia.
M. Her class did very well in the examinations.
1. Who J
2. Which G
3. What L
4. Why B
5. When F
6. Where K
7. Whose I
8. Which E
9. Why M
10. Who C
11. What A
12. Where H
13. When D
1		 Answer	the	questions	below	about	yourself.	Answer	in	a	complete	
1- What is your occupation? 
2- What is a computer program?
3- Which is your favorite sport, soccer, handball or basketball?
4- What is São Paulo like?
5- What is your Portuguese teacher like?
6- Who are you?
7- With whom was Principal Luiza talking?
8- Where were you born?
9- When were you born?
10- Why are you studying so hard?
11- Whose is this English test?
1. What is your occupation? My occupation is ______________
2. What is a computer program? A computer program is _________________
3. Which is your favorite sport, soccer, handball or basketball? My favorite 
sport is ___
4. What is São Paulo like? São Paulo is____________________
5. What is your Portuguese teacher like? My Portuguese teacher 
6. Who are you? I am__________________
7. With whom was Principal Luiza talking? She was talking with my 
8. Where were you born? I was born is ___________________
9. When were you born? I was born in ___________________
10.Why are you studying so hard? Because I __________________
11.Whose is this English test? It’s mine!
2		 Agora,	vamos	exercitar	nossa	aprendizagem	resolvendo	uma	questão	
do ENADE/2017, de número 17, aplicada aos acadêmicos do curso 
de	Letras	Português/Inglês.
Questão 17: A aprendizagem de Língua Estrangeira no Ensino Fundamental 
não é só um exercício intelectual em aprendizagem de formas e estruturas 
linguísticas em um código diferente; é, sim, uma experiência de vida, pois 
amplia as possibilidades de se agir discursivamente no mundo. O papel 
educacional da Língua Estrangeira é importante, desse modo, para o 
desenvolvimento integral do indivíduo, devendo seu ensino proporcionar ao 
aluno essa nova experiência de vida. Experiência que deveria significar uma 
abertura para o mundo, tanto o mundo próximo, fora de si mesmo, quanto o 
mundo distante, em outras culturas. Assim, contribui-se para a construção, 
e para o cultivo pelo aluno, de uma competência não só no uso de línguas 
estrangeiras, mas também na compreensão de outras culturas.
FONTE: BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. Língua 
Estrangeira. Ensino Fundamental. Terceiro e quarto ciclos. Brasília, 1998 (adaptado).
Considerando o excerto acima e a relação existente entre o processo de 
Ensino e aprendizagem da língua inglesa nos cursos de Letras e sua aplicação 
na educação básica, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre 
I- Tendo em vista a hegemonia da língua inglesa no contexto acadêmico, 
científico e cultural, é necessário que projetos de ensino visando à recepção 
e à produção de textos que abordem a variação e a diversidade da língua 
inglesa sejam efetivamente implementados nos cursos de graduação em 
II- A aprendizagem da língua inglesa no Ensino Fundamental preconizada 
nos parâmetros curriculares tem como um de seus objetivos centrais a 
promoção de conhecimento acerca de costumes e valores atrelados às 
diferentes culturas anglófonas para que os estudantes possam, assim, 
desenvolver uma consciência mais crítica a respeito da diferença entre 
consumo cultural e transformação social.
A	respeito	das	asserções,	assinale	a	opção	correta.
a)	 (x)	As	asserções	 I	 e	 II	 são	proposições	verdadeiras,	 e	 a	 II	 é	uma	
justificativa	correta	da	I.
b) ( ) As asserções I e II são proposições verdadeiras, mas a II não é uma 
justificativa correta da I.
c) ( ) A asserção I é uma proposição verdadeira, e a II é uma proposição 
d) ( ) A asserção I é uma proposição falsa, e a II é uma proposição verdadeira.
e) ( ) As asserções I e II são proposições falsas.
Você curte Charlie Puth? Ele é um cantor, compositor e produtor musical norte-
americano. Puth ganhou popularidade viral ao postar o seu trabalho 
no YouTube. Que tal acompanhar a canção How Long? Acesse o link: <https://
www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwfoyVa980U> complete e acompanhe a letra 
da música que segue.
How Long 
By Charlie Puth
I'll admit, I was ___________________ 
What else can I say, girl? 
Can't you play my head and not my heart 
I was ______________, I was gone 
But don't make it right 
But promise there were no feelings involved 
She said "Boy, tell me honestly 
Was it real or just for show? " 
She said "Save your _______________ 
Baby, I just gotta know" 
How ______________ has this been going on? 
You been creeping'round on me 
While you calling me ___________________ 
How long has this been going on? 
You been acting so shady (shady)I've been feeling it lately, baby 
long, wrong, how long, 
feeling, apologies, baby, 
drunk, happened, real, save, 
tried, tell me, calling
I'll admit (I'll admit) 
It's my fault (my fault) 
But you gotta believe me 
When I say it only _______________once 
I _____________ and I tried 
But you'll never see that 
You're the only one I wanna love, oh yeah 
She said "Boy, tell me honestly (honestly) 
Was it ________________l or just for show? " 
She said "Save your apologies (apologies) 
Baby, I just gotta know" 
_______________ has this been going on? 
You been creeping'round on me (on me) 
While you calling me baby (baby) 
How long has this been going on? 
You been acting so shady (shady) 
I've been ___________ it lately, baby 
How long has this been going on, baby? 
You gotta go ______________ now 
She said "Boy, tell me honestly 
Was it real or just for show? 
She said "_________________ your apologies 
Baby, I just gotta know" 
How long has this been going on? 
You been creeping up on me (on me) 
While you ___________ me baby (baby) 
How long has this been going on? 
You been acting so shady (shady) 
I've been feeling it lately, baby 
How long has this been going on? 
You been creeping up on me 
How long has this been going on, baby? 
How long has this been going on? 
(You gotta go tell me now) 
You been acting so shady (shady) 
I've been feeling it lately, baby
FONTE: Disponível em: <https://www.letras.mus.br/charlie-puth/how-long/traducao.html>. 
Acesso em: 12 fev. 2018.
I'll admit, I was wrong 
What else can I say, girl? 
Can't you play my head and not my heart 
I was drunk, I was gone 
But don't make it right 
But promise there were no feelings involved 
She said "Boy, tell me honestly 
Was it real or just for show? " 
She said "Save your apologies 
Baby, I just gotta know" 
How long has this been going on? 
You been creeping'round on me 
While you calling me baby 
How long has this been going on? 
You been acting so shady (shady) 
I've been feeling it lately, baby 
I'll admit (I'll admit) 
It's my fault (my fault) 
But you gotta believe me 
When I say it only happened once 
I tried and I tried 
But you'll never see that 
You're the only one I wanna love, oh yeah 
She said "Boy, tell me honestly (honestly) 
Was it real or just for show? " 
She said "Save your apologies (apologies) 
Baby, I just gotta know" 
How long has this been going on? 
You been creeping'round on me (on me) 
While you calling me baby (baby) 
How long has this been going on? 
You been acting so shady (shady) 
I've been feeling it lately, baby 
How long has this been going on, baby? 
You gotta go tell me now 
She said "Boy, tell me honestly 
Was it real or just for show? 
She said "Save your apologies 
Baby, I just gotta know" 
How long has this been going on? 
You been creeping up on me (on me) 
While you calling me baby (baby) 
How long has this been going on? 
You been acting so shady (shady) 
I've been feeling it lately, baby 
How long has this been going on? 
You been creeping up on me 
How long has this been going on, baby? 
How long has this been going on? 
(You gotta go tell me now) 
You been acting so shady (shady) 
I've been feeling it lately, baby
1		 Answer	the	questions	below	in	a	complete	way:
1. How are you?
2. How far is São Paulo from Rio de Janeiro?
3. How many books do you have here?
4. How much coffee do you drink on an ordinary day?
5. How often do you study English?
6. How old are you?
7. How tall are you?
8. How do you like your Sport teacher?
1) How are you? I am fine, thanks.
2) How far is São Paulo from Rio de Janeiro? It is _____ kilometers.
3) How many books do you have here? I have _____ books.
4) How much coffee do you drink on an ordinary day? I drink _____coffee.
5) How often do you study English? I study English ______ a week.
6) How old are you? I am ____ years old. 
7) How tall are you? I am _____________.
8) How do you like your Sport teacher? I like my sport teacher ________.
2 Read the text below and answer the question about it:
Text:	Applying	for	a	job
Some weeks after Leo Johnson had sent his resumé to Glow Co., a big 
fashion company, he was invited for an interview with Mr. Glen Custer, the 
general manager.
Mr.	Custer: Why are you applying for a job?
Leo: Because this is a good company, I believe I will be able to improve myself 
and be useful to the growth of the firm.
Mr.	Custer:	Do you have any experience?
Leo:	Last year I worked as a trainee at a bank.
Mr.	Custer: Hummm… So, you have no experience…
Leo:	I have no experience as an employee, sir. But I’m sure you will like my 
work if you give me a chance.
Mr.	Custer:	Uh uh! How much do you expect to earn?
Leo:	I don’t know the company’s wage policy. Perhaps you could help me 
with my answer.
Mr.	Custer:	Our policy is according to the present job market.
Leo: That’s great for me.
Mr.	Custer:	How long do you plan to work with us?
Leo:	As long as it is interesting for both of us. But if it depends on me it will 
be for a long time.
Mr.	Custer:	Well, I liked your answers. The job is yours.
Leo: Thank you very much, sir.
Mr.	Custer:	You’re welcome.
Pay attention and answer the questions below:
1 According to the text, Leo Johnson:
a) ( ) answered objectively all the questions Mr. Custer asked him.
b)	(x)	didn’t	answer	all	the	questions	during	the	interview.
c) ( ) was insecure about some questions.
d) ( ) Has experience in bank management.
e) ( ) wants to work for Glow Co. for some time.
2 How much will Leo Johnson earn in his new job?
a)	 (x)	It	is	not	mentioned	in	the	text.
b) ( ) A high salary.
c) ( ) A low salary in the beginning.
d) ( ) It will depend on his qualifications.
e) ( ) Mr. Custer will decide after Johnson’s trial period.
3 Mr. Custer probably gave the job to Leo Johnson because he:
a) ( ) had to think about Johnson’s questions.
b) ( ) appreciated Johnson’s experience at a bank.
c) ( ) felt sorry for Johnson.
d)	(x)	appreciate	the	interview.
e) ( ) considered Johnson a good young student.
4 The expressions “Hummm” and “Uh uh” in the text probably mean:
a)	 (x)	hesitation	and	agreement.
b) ( ) disgust and indifference.
c) ( ) doubt and irony.
d) ( ) dissatisfaction and surprise.
e) ( ) disappointment and reproach.
5 The question “How much do you expect to earn?” is approximately the 
same as:
a) ( ) How much dollars do you intend to get?
b) ( ) How many dollars you pretend to receive?
c)	 (x)	What	salary	are	you	expecting	to	get?
d) ( ) How high is the money you plan to make?
e) ( ) Which wage you have in mind?
6 Leo Johnson nunca esteve empregado. Transcreva uma frase do texto 
que justifique esta afirmação.
R.: I have no experience as an employee, sir.
7 Write in your own: What means a resumé?
R.: Resumé is a document with personal professional information.
1 Put a question tag on the end of these sentences:
a) Tom won’t be late, ___________________? No, he’s never late.
b) You are tired, ______________________? Yes, a little.
c) You’ve got a camera, _________________? Yes, why? Do you want to 
borrow it?
d) You weren’t listening, __________________? Yes, I was!
e) Sue doesn’t know Ann, ________________? No, they have never met.
f) Jack’s on holiday, ___________________ ? Yes, he’s in Portugal.
g) Ann’s applied for the job, ______________? Yes, but she won’t get it.
h) You can speak German, ______________? Yes, but not very fluently.
i) He won’t mind if I use his phone, _____________? No, of course he won’t.
j) There are a lot of people here, ______________? Yes, more than I 
k) Let’s go out tonight, _______________? Yes, let’s.
l) This isn’t very interesting, _______________? No, not very.
m) I’m too impatient, ______________? Yes, you are sometimes.
n) You wouldn’t tell anyone, ______________? No, of coursenot.
o) Listen, ______________? Ok, I’m listening.
p) I shouldn’t have lost my temper, ___________________? No, but never 
q) Don’t drop that vase, _____________________? No, don’t worry.
r) He’d never met her before, ___________________? No, that was the first 
FONTE: Murphy (1994, p. 103)
a) Will he?
b) Aren’t you?
c) Haven’t you?
d) Were you?
e) Does she?
f) Isn’t he?
g) Hasn’t she?
h) Can’t you?
i) Will he?
j) Aren’t there?
k) Shall we?
l) Is it?
m) Aren’t I?
n) Would you?
o) Will you?
p) Should I?
q) Will you?
r) Had he?
1 Now, choose ten school things and write 10 sentences with them:
R.: O acadêmico poderá escrever livremente diversas frases, como as que 
a) A computer is a machine with many nice softwares.
b) I can write in a blackboard with a chalk. 
1	 Agora	vamos	exercitar	a	tradução:
a) Ele está na segunda série.
b) Sou um professor da quarta série do Ensino Fundamental.
c) Em 2001, eu era apenas um calouro/novato na Universidade da Carolina 
do Sul.
d) Ele tem um mestrado em ciências.
e) Quando eu era estudante de graduação na Inglaterra, me lembro de sentir-
me sobrecarregado o tempo todo.
a) He’s in 2nd grade.
b) I’m a fourth grade elementary school teacher. 
c) In 2001, I was just a freshman at the University of South Carolina.
d) She has a master’s degree in Science. 
e) When I was an undergraduate in England, I remember feeling overloaded 
all the time. 
1		 Read	the	situation	and	write	a	sentence	with	a	question	tag.	In	each	
situation	you	are	asking	your	friend	to	agree	with	you:
a) You look out of the window. The sky is blue and the sun is shining. What do 
you say to your friend? (beautiful day) ___________________________
b) You’re with a friend outside a restaurant. You’re looking at the prices, which 
are very high. What do you say? (expensive) It ___________________
c) You’ve just come of the cinema with a friend. You really enjoyed the film. 
What do you say to your friend? (great) The fil ____________________
d) You and a friend are listening to a woman singing. You like her voice very 
much. What do you say to your friend? (a lovely voice) She _________
e) You are trying on a jacket. You look in the mirror and you don’t like what 
you see. What do you say to your friend? (not, look, very good) It
f) Your friend’s hair is much shorter than when you last met. What do you 
say to her/him? (have/ your hair/ cut) You _________________________
g) You and a friend are walking over a wooden bridge. It is very old and some 
parts are broken. What do you say? (not/ very safe) This bridge
FONTE: Murphy (1994, p. 103)
a) It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?
b) It’s (very) expensive, isn’t it?
c) The film was great, wasn’t irt?
d) She has/ She has got/ she’s got a lovely voice, hasn’t she? or She has a 
lovely voice, doesn’t she? 
e) It doesn’t look very good, does it?
f) You’ve had your hair cut, haven’t you?
g) This bridge isn’t very safe, is it?
2		 Agora,	vamos	exercitar	nossa	aprendizagem	resolvendo	uma	questão	
do ENADE/2017, de número 13, aplicada aos acadêmicos do curso 
de	Letras	Português/Inglês.
Questão 13: Um dos temas do livro The heart of darkness, de Joseph Conrad, 
é o modelo de colonização europeu vigente até o início do século XX. No 
trecho transcrito abaixo, o marinheiro Marlow, um dos personagens da obra, 
descreve como imagina ter sido a chegada, com o objetivo de colonização, 
de tripulações de navios romanos à Inglaterra.
“I	was	thinking	of	very	old	 times,	when	the	Romans	first	came	here,	
nineteen	hundred	years	ago	—	the	other	day….	But	darkness	was	here	
yesterday.	Imagine	the	feelings	of	a	commander	of	a	fine	—	what	d’ye	call	
‘em?	—	trireme	in	the	Mediterranean,	ordered	suddenly	to	the	north;	run	
overland	across	the	Gauls	in	a	hurry;	put	in	charge	of	one	of	these	craft	
the	legionaries	—a	wonderful	lot	of	handy	men	they	must	have	been,	
too	—used	to	build,	apparently	by	the	hundred,	in	a	month	or	two,	if	we	
may	believe	what	we	read.	Imagine	him	here	—	the	very	end	of	the	world,	
a	sea	the	colour	of	lead,	a	sky	the	colour	of	smoke,	a	kind	of	ship	about	
as	rigid	as	a	concertina	—	and	going	up	this	river	with	stores,	or	orders,	
or	what	 you	 like.	Sandbanks,	marshes,	 forests,	 savages,	—precious	
little	to	eat	fit	for	a	civilized	man,	nothing	but	Thames	water	to	drink.	No	
Falernian	wine	here,	no	going	ashore.	Here	and	there	a	military	camp	lost	
in	a	wilderness,	like	a	needle	in	a	bundle	of	hay	—	cold,	fog,	tempests,	
disease,	and	death	—	death	skulking	in	the	air,	in	the	water,	in	the	bush”.
FONTE:	CONRAD, J. The Heart of Darkness. London: Penguin, 2007 (adaptado)
Considerando	 as	 informações	 apresentadas,	 avalie	 as	 asserções	 a	
seguir	e	a	relação	proposta	entre	elas.	
I- A descrição da Inglaterra como lugar bárbaro e perigoso para os romanos, 
civilizados, coloca em perspectiva histórica o colonialismo europeu em 
decadência no início do século XX.
II- A descrição transcrita é construída a partir da mescla de um tom de 
exotismo, normalmente utilizado para descrever a África, a Ásia e as 
Américas, e imagens e cores como cinza e chumbo, associadas a países 
a) ( ) As asserções I e II são proposições verdadeiras, e a II é uma justificativa 
correta da I.
b)	(x)	As	asserções	I	e	II	são	proposições	verdadeiras,	mas	a	II	não	é	
uma	justificativa	correta	da	I.
c) ( ) A asserção I é uma proposição verdadeira, e a II é uma proposição 
d) ( ) A asserção I é uma proposição falsa, e a II é uma proposição verdadeira.
e) ( ) As asserções I e II são proposições falsas.
FONTE: Disponível em: <http://download.inep.gov.br/educacao_superior/enade/provas/2017/30_
LET_POR_BACHAREL_BAIXA.pdf>. Acesso em: 10 fev. 2018.