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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Escola Polo 
Aluno: Gustavo Henrique da Silva Firmino 
Turma: 3002
Turno: Matutino 
1-Substitua o que estiver grifado pelo pronome correspondente, assinalando a alternativa 
CORRETA: “Paul, Robert and I gave flowers to Helen”.
 a) They 
 b) We 
 c) He 
 d) It . 
Read the strip and answer questions
2-The symbol that appears in the first box indicates:
a) music. 
b) speech.
c) dialogue. 
d) poem.
3-In the first and second box Jon is:
a) eating and drinking.
b) whistling and singing.
c) whistling and reading.
d) singing and eating.
4- In the last box, Garfield demonstrates:
a) anger.
b) pride.
c) joy.
d) irony.
5- A palavra “NOW” indica ideia de:
a) lugar.
b) posse.
c) tempo.
d) intensidade.
6-What activity was Garfiel invited to participate in?
a) Cycling.
b) Running.
c) Football.
d) Swimming.
7- A day in the life of Ricky Starr (part one) – What is happening now?
It’s eleven o’clock in the morning and Ricky Starr is still in bed. He is sleeping in a large room of a 
famous hotel. His secretary is writing e-mails. His manager is talking on the telephone, making the 
final arrangements for Ricky’s show. 
Outside the hotel several policemen are trying to control a crowd. More than a hundred teenagers 
are screaming and fighting the policemen. A young girl is saying, “I love you, Ricky!” 
Another day is just beginning.
Relacione as colunas.
It’s eleven o’clock in the morning. What is happening now? 
1.Ricky Starr (3) is talking on the phone.
2.The secretary (5) are fighting the policemen.
3.The manager (2) is writing e-mails.
4.Several policemen (4) are trying to control a crowd.
5.Ricky’s fans (1) is sleepin
Qual é o tempo dos verbos no texto: A day in the life of Ricky Starr (part one) ? 
( ) Verb to be – present
( ) Verb to be – past
( ) Present continuous tense 
( X) Simple present tense
( ) Simple past tense
( ) Simple future tense
8- He Does This Every Day. (part two) 
 Ricky Starr is world-famous. His CDs sell millions of copies. 
 He is twenty years old and he is a star. He wakes up in a hotel and eats his breakfast in bed, at 
midday. He finishes his breakfast, chooses some red clothes and combs his green hair. A car 
arrives at the back of the hotel. The driver opens the door. Ricky, his manager, his agent, his 
make-up man, and several girlfriends get in (it’s a large car). 
 The car takes them to a stadium. Ricky waits in the dressing room. He looks in the mirror and 
climbs the stairs to the stage.
 He stands on the stage. He sings. There are hundreds of screams in the air. He sings again. 
And again, and again. There are tears in the eyes of Ricky’s fans. There is sweat on Ricky’s face. 
There is a lot of money in his manager’s pockets. 
 Ricky leaves the stage. He does this every day. He is Ricky Starr , a hero on the stage, just a 
lonely boy when he goes home alone. 
Escreva T (TRUE) ou F (FALSE) de acordo com o texto. Se for falsa, corrija o verbo da frase.
Exemplo: ( F )Ricky wakes up in a stadium. (doesn’t wake up) 
a) (T ) Ricky eats his breakfast at table.
b) (T ) The pop star chooses some green clothes. 
c) (T ) Ricky’s hair is a strange color. 
d) ( T) A car arrives in front of the hotel. 
e) ( T) Ricky’s girlfriends don’t go with him.
f) ( T) Ricky doesn’t look in the mirror. 
g) (T ) Ricky sings more than a song. 
h) (T ) Ricky’s show is a big success. 
i) (T ) Ricky’s fans don’t cry.
j) ( T) Money and success make everybody happy. 
Qual é o tempo dos verbos no texto: He Does This Every Day. (part two) ? 
( ) Verb to be – present
( ) Verb to be – past
( ) Present continuous tense 
( X) Simple present tense
( ) Simple past tense
( ) Simple future tense
9- My Mistake
 John and Bill were drinking beer and talking about their boyhood days. John was still single, but 
Bill was now a married man, although he didn’t seem to be very happy about it. Bill was explaining 
to his friend how one mistake, one single mistake, sometimes affected the whole life of a man, 
when his friend interrupted him. He was impressed by the strange appearance of a woman who 
was walking towards them. The woman was extremely fat and ugly. Besides, she was wearing an 
old-fashioned dress and she had a ridiculous hat on her head.
 “Who is that terrible monster?” John asked his friend. 
 “It’s my wife,” answered Bill, in a low voice. 
 John was very upset and began to apologize for his mistake.
 “It’s not your mistake, my friend,” said Bill. “It’s mine.” 
Write T for TRUE and F for FALSE. Correct the false statements)
a) (T ) Both friends were drinking and talking about the past. 
b) ( T) Bill was married, but his friend wasn’t.
c) (F ) Bill was speaking when his friend interrupted him. 
d) (T ) Mistakes are never important.
e) ( T) John didn’t see the woman who was walking towards them.
f) ( F) The woman was thin and beautiful. 
g) (T ) Her clothes were very strange. 
h) ( T) John didn’t mean to offend his friend. 
i) ( F) When Bill said “It’s my wife”, he spoke in a loud voice. 
Qual é o tempo dos verbos no texto: My Mistake ? 
( ) Verb to be – present
( ) Verb to be – past
(X ) Present continuous tense 
( ) Simple present tense
( ) Simple past tense
( ) Simple future tense
10--Sobre o uso adequado do futuro em inglês, assinale as alternativas corretas que completa a 
frase: "You have bought your tickets and reserved your ro-om in a hotel. When you see your 
friends,you say...":
a- I am going to go to Italy next week!
b- I will go to Italy next week!
c- I go to Italy next week!
d- I have gone Italy next week!
e- I went to Italy next week!
11- Sabemos que na língua inglesa encontramos palavras semelhantes a vocábulos da língua 
portuguesa, pois apresentam proximidade na grafia e no sentido. Estas palavras recebem o nome 
de palavras cognatas.
Analisando a oração "Ken and his family live close to my house.", é possível afirmar que a 
palavra cognata está corretamente indicada na alternativa:
 a) House b) Live c) Family d) His e) Close

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