
Morfossintaxe e Ensino da Língua Inglesa AV2

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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25/10/2021 16:54 Ilumno
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Local: Sala 3 - Paralela - Prova On-line / Andar / Polo Paralela - Prédio I / EAD - UNIDADE PARALELA 
Acadêmico: 030LPI5AM
Avaliação: A3.
Matrícula: 193003519 
Data: 1 de Outubro de 2021 - 08:00 Finalizado
Correto Incorreto Anulada  Discursiva  Objetiva Total: 7,50/10,00
1  Código: 33562 - Enunciado: Students have di�iculties. This is totally natural. Our role as
facilitators and educators is to help them overcome their problems and become better each time.
Read this case study:“Student M. has had problems in writing. He cannot write complete ideas.
Every time, he will write fragments such as ‘While the city was dark.’, ‘Whenever you need.’ totally
decontextualized.”Infer from this teacher’s report:
 a) Student M. has a hard time writing complex sentences only because he may lack
knowledge of conjunctions.
 b) Student M. does not understand what a phrase is; therefore, he writes fragments.
 c) Student M. will not grasp what a predicate is; therefore, he writes only subjects.
 d) Student M. has problems di�er sentences and clauses since his ideas are not complete.
 e) Student M. cannot form just complex sentences as he does not know what one comprises.
Alternativa marcada:
d) Student M. has problems di�er sentences and clauses since his ideas are not complete.
Justificativa: Correct answer:Student M. has problems di�er sentences and clauses since his
ideas are not complete.Therefore, his sentences do not complete their ideas.  
Distractors:Student M. has a hard time writing complex sentences only because he may lack
knowledge of conjunctions. He cannot write any kinds of sentenceStudent M. does not
understand what a phrase is; therefore, he writes fragments. Phrases cannot be confused with
sentences, which is his problem.Student M. will not grasp what a predicate is; therefore, he writes
only subjects. His sentences also have predicates, but they are not complete.Student M. cannot
form just complex sentences as he does not know what one comprises. He cannot write
sentences at all, not even compound sentences, according to the examples.
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2  Código: 33618 - Enunciado: Sentences depend on the relation between the clauses in it. Modify
the following extract so that it can be classified as a compound-complex sentence.“I was tired. I
had called a Uber. I went home.”
 a) I had called a Uber in order to go home because I was tired.
 b) I had called a Uber, I was tired, I wanted to go home.
 c) Since I was tired and had called a Uber, whereas I went home.
 d) I was tired, so I called a Uber and I went home.
 e) I was tired; I had called a Uber; I went home.
Alternativa marcada:
d) I was tired, so I called a Uber and I went home.
Justificativa: Correct answer: I was tired, so I called a Uber and I went home. A compound-
complex sentence comprises a dependent clause and two independent ones. 
Distractors:I had called a Uber, I was tired, I wanted to go home. = IC + IC + IC *this sentence has
comma splicesSince I was tired and had called a Uber, whereas I went home. = DC + IC + DCI had
called a Uber in order to go home because I was tired. = IC + DC + DCI was tired; I had called a
Uber; I went home. = IC + IC + IC
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3  Código: 33545 - Enunciado: Communication, society and language. These three phenomena are
connected in an inseparable way.Consider the following statements:I. Language depends on the
context you are inserted in.II. The same person might be using di�erent kinds of language
(register) depending on their social situations at a given moment.III. It is imperative to use proper
grammar at all contexts, no matter what social circle you are from.IV. Linguistic changes start at
elites; then that is why they get to control and have power – because they domain
language.Examine the true sentences.
 a) I and IV.
 b) I, II and IV.
 c) II and III.
 d) II and IV.
 e) I and II.
Alternativa marcada:
e) I and II.
Justificativa: Correct answer: I and II.I - True. We must vary register depending on the context:
‘May I borrow your pen?’ is appropriate for a formal context, while ‘Can I borrow your pen’ sounds
more informal.II - Social positions/ contexts and appropriacy define what language one should
use.III - Proper grammar is a taboo and a myth that does not have to be seen as a target or a
dream; linguistic variation happens everywhere.IV - Variations start at lower-class groups. They
change the rule (which most consider to be a mistake) and make their own pattern. Throughout
time, it starts to be accepted and sometimes becomes a rule (change).
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4  Código: 33581 - Enunciado: Clauses have di�erent classifications. They vary according to head
and position.Read the following ones: 
(a) having come in(b) who is beautiful(c) whatever you need(d) wherever you go 
Indicate whether they are:(1) Finite(2) Non-Finite(3) Main(4) Subordinate(5) Noun(6) Adverb(7)
 a) (a) 1, 4, 5; (b) 1, 3, 7; (c) 1, 4, 6; (d) 1, 4, 6.
 b) (a) 1, 4, 5; (b) 1, 4, 7; (c) 1, 4, 6; (d) 1, 4, 6.
 c) (a) 2, 4, 6; (b) 1, 3, 7; (c) 1, 4, 6; (d) 1, 4, 6.
 d) (a) 2, 4, 6; (b) 1, 4, 7; (c) 1, 4, 5; (d) 1, 4, 6.
 e) (a) 1, 4, 6; (b) 1, 3, 7; (c) 1, 4, 5; (d) 1, 4, 6.
Alternativa marcada:
d) (a) 2, 4, 6; (b) 1, 4, 7; (c) 1, 4, 5; (d) 1, 4, 6.
Justificativa: Correct answer: (a) 2, 4, 6; (b) 1, 4, 7; (c) 1, 4, 5; (d) 1, 4, 6.(a) having come in2 - The
verb has no inflection.4 - The idea is not complete.6 - It expresses time.(b) who is beautiful1 - The
verb is inflected.4 - The idea is not complete.7 - It characterizes a noun.(c) whatever you need1 -
The verb is inflected.4 - The idea is not complete.5 - It expresses ‘something’.(d) wherever you go1
- The verb is inflected.4 - The idea is not complete.6 - It expresses place.
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5  Código: 33543 - Enunciado: Morphology is the science that studies words and their structures.
Read the following morphology-related terms:I. Morpheme.II. Base.III. Su�ix.IV. Bound
morpheme.Recognize their definitions RESPECTIVELY.
 a) I. The smallest unit in a language.II. The core of the word.III. A morpheme that comes a�er
the base plus it.IV. A morpheme that cannot stand by itself and is added to free ones to change
their grammatical e�ect.
 b) I. The smallest unit of meaning in a language.II. The core of the word.III. A morpheme that
comes a�er the base.IV. A morpheme that cannot stand by itself and is added to free ones to
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change their grammatical e�ect.
 c) I. The smallest unit in a language.II. The core of the word plus add-ons.III. A morpheme
that comes before the base.IV. A morpheme that cannot stand by itself and is added to su�ixes to
change their grammatical e�ect.
 d) I. The smallest unit in a language.II. The core of the word.III. A morpheme that comes a�er
the base.IV. A morpheme that cannot stand by itself and is added to free ones to change their
 e) I. The smallest unit of meaning in a language.II. The core of the word plus add-ons.III. A
morpheme that comes a�er the base plus it.IV. A morpheme that cannot stand by itself and is
added to su�ixes to change their grammatical e�ect.
Alternativa marcada:
b) I. The smallest unit of meaning in a language.II. The core of the word.III. A morpheme that
comes a�er the base.IV. A morpheme that cannot stand by itself and is added to free ones to
change their grammatical e�ect.
Justificativa: Correct answer:I. The smallest unit of meaning in a language [cutting words into
pieces, each piece with meaning is a morpheme].II. The core of theword [the basis/ the essential
part of it].III. A morpheme that comes a�er the base [-ly, -ness, -er, …].IV. A morpheme that
cannot stand by itself and is added to free ones to change their grammatical e�ect [-ing, -ful, -ly,
…]. Distractors: 
I. The smallest unit in a language [OF MEANING].II. The core of the word [OK].III. A morpheme that
comes a�er the base [OK].IV. A morpheme that cannot stand by itself and is added to free ones to
change their meanings [OK]. 
I. The smallest unit in a language [OF MEANING].II. The core of the word PLUS ADD-ONS.III. A
morpheme that comes before the base [BEFORE].IV. A morpheme that cannot stand by itself and
is added to SUFFIXES to change their grammatical e�ect [added to the base]. 
I. The smallest unit of meaning in a language [OK].II. The core of the word PLUS ADD-ONS.III. A
morpheme that comes a�er the base PLUS IT.IV. A morpheme that cannot stand by itself and is
added to SUFFIXES to change their grammatical e�ect. 
I. The smallest unit in a language [OF MEANING].II. The core of the word [OK].III. A morpheme that
comes a�er the base PLUS IT.IV. A morpheme that cannot stand by itself and is added to free ones
to change their grammatical e�ect [OK].
6  Código: 33590 - Enunciado: Classes vary from one another. Students are never the same. Read
the following class profile:“A group of journalists studying English to write articles in this
language for an American newspaper. They love reading and writing and need a lot of
practice.”Judge the best approach to teaching writing to this group.
 a) Genre approach, because they get to copy from the model.
 b) Process approach, because they focus on the reader.
 c) Process-genre approach, because it focuses on the social aspects of writing and genre.
 d) Product approach, because it saves time and writing is not valued much in class.
 e) Product approach, because the focus is on the text.
Alternativa marcada:
c) Process-genre approach, because it focuses on the social aspects of writing and genre.
Justificativa: Correct answer: Process-genre approach, because it focuses on the social aspects
of writing and genre. Take into account that they will work for a newspaper abroad. They need to
be aware of the social conventions in writing in that given cultural context. 
Distractors:Process approach, because they focus on the reader. That is not enough, because is
not their ordinary target group.Product approach, because it saves time and writing is not valued
much in class. That is not an excuse, especially if they are journalists.Genre approach, because
they get to copy from the model. Copying is not learning, especially because they will have to
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produce by themselves.Product approach, because the focus is on the text. The text is not a rigid
structure; it allows change, especially when you are a content creator.
7  Código: 33594 - Enunciado: Syntactic trees help visualize the relation between words. Write a
compound, complex or compound-complex sentence and draw a syntactic tree to analyze it.
Remember to indicate what sentence type it is.
NP+VP(VP+OD(NP(det+H+AdjPP))+SubConj+NP+VP(VL+VT+OD+AdvPP). This is a complex
sentence because of its clauses and conjunction.
Justificativa: Answer expectation: Students should be aware of sentence types:Cpd = IC +
CooConj + ICCpx = IC + SubConj + DCCpd-Cpx = DC + IC + IC (+ …)They should also be aware of
how to draw syntactic trees.
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8  Código: 33593 - Enunciado: Teaching morphosyntax is a challenge, but it is possible.Support
with solid arguments five points to take into account when planning a lesson to teach
We should think about morphosytax more objectly, as the syntatic functions are previously
defined, it is important that students know how to use pronouns, the relationship between the
word nominal and verbal agreement, clause delimitation are period of di�erentiation of passive,
active and reflexive voice  for try to lead the students to build concepts and realize the
funcionality of content in the production of text. What i'm try to say is that,  the students have to
study of terms and their uses,  and they shoul know the way a speaker uses the language in
di�erents forms of communication.
Justificativa: Expected answer: Students should be aware of (1) terminology: the study of terms
and their uses; (2) register: the way a speaker uses the language in di�erent forms of
communication; (3) linguistic aspects: di�erent linguistic aspectual distinctions; (4) relevance:
the importance of being aware of learning morphosyntax is relevant for your group of students;
and (5) context: contextualizing language teaching is what makes language unique. They should
also be able to support their viewpoints with thorough arguments. 
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